

Delphi Falls

Delphi Falls, New York is a hamlet in the town of Pompey, Onondaga County, New York. It was prosperous in the early 19th century. It is the location of several houses and has a golf course nearby. There are a lot of corn fields. It is the boyhood home to author Jerome Mark Antil and fictional surroundings for his novel The Pompey Hollow Book Club featuring Delphi Falls residents Dale Barber, Bobby Mawson and historical The Delphi Falls Cemetery. Delphi Falls is located southeast of the hamlet in Madison County.


Elisha Litchfield

US Congressman. He was trained as a carpenter and moved to Onondaga County, New York in 1812. He settled in Delphi (now Delphi Falls), and became active in a variety of ventures, including a dry goods store. Litchfield served as a Major in the War of 1812, and became one of the county's leading citizens, serving as Justice of the Peace and Onondaga County Supervisor. From 1817 to 1821 he was Delphi's Postmaster. Litchfield served in the New York Assembly in 1819. In 1820 he was elected to the US House as a Democratic-Republican. He was reelected in 1822 as a Crawford Republican, and served from 1821 to 1825. Litchfield did not run for reelection in 1824 and returned to his Onondaga County business interests. He served in the New York Assembly again from 1831 to 1833. In 1838 he relocated to Cazenovia, Madison County. He served in the state Assembly in 1844 and 1848, serving as Speaker in his final term. Litchfield remained active in numerous businesses, including serving as President of the Detroit, Monroe, and Toledo Railroad.

Bio by: Bill McKern

General Henry Slocum. Click Here To Learn More.


Henry Warner Slocum

was born at Delphi, New York on September 24, 1826. He graduated from West Point with the class of 1852, and served against the Seminoles and in Charleston Harbor. In 1856 he resigned his commission to practice law, settling in Syracuse and becoming a state legislator and a colonel in the state militia.
With the outbreak of war Slocum became Colonel of the 27th New York, and was wounded at First Bull Run. When he recovered he was given a brigade, and then a division in Franklin’s 6th Corps. After Antietam he was given command of the 12th Corps, which performed well at Chancellorsville, although Slocum scathingly criticized Hooker.
Slocum was criticized for delaying his arrival at Gettysburg while sending his troops on ahead; he knew that as senior corps commander he would assume command if he arrived before Meade. Once he arrived he did well, holding the right flank of the army against repeated attacks by Ewell’s Confederate 2nd Corps.
After the Union debacle at Chickamauga Slocum’s 12th Corps was one of two corps of the Army of the Potomac chosen to go west under Hooker’s command. Slocum immediately sent in his resignation. It was refused, and a compromise was achieved where Slocum and a part of his Corps would operate independently of Hooker.
When Hooker eventually resigned (over being asked to serve under former subordinate Oliver Howard) Slocum was called to take over the 20th Corps, which was the first Union unit enter Atlanta. Slocum commanded the left wing of Sherman’s Army (the Army of Georgia) on the March to the Sea.
After the war he practiced law in Brooklyn and served three terms as a Democratic U.S. congressman. He also served on the Board of the Gettysburg Monument Commissioners. He died in Brooklyn in 1894


Delphi Falls Baptist Meeting House

The Delphi Baptist Church, also known as Delphi Falls United Church, was built in 1815 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.[1] It's a very large, old, and well-lit church. It features large "twenty over twenty sash windows", consisting of 20 glass panes in each of upper and lower sashes. It is the only surviving nearly-original church "in Onondaga County surviving from the Federal period."

For Your Loving Devotion Reaches To The Heavens,
Your Faithfulness To The Clouds, Psalm 57:10
Dedicated To Vera Love and Nancy Edwards



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People in Pompey