Thank you for visiting our Website
We the members of the Delphi Falls United Church, want to invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Here you will find a welcoming and caring congregation. One of our main goals , as a congregation, is to bring any who are outside into the family of God.
Basic Beliefs
We believe that the Bible is God's word to his creation. The Bible is our source for teaching and preaching. We believe that faith plus confession is the way for all us to be reconciled to God, Our Heavenly Father. We Seek to learn from each other guided by the Holy Spirit to become a church family.
We work to watch over one another in brotherly and sisterly love. To, also, remember each other in prayer,particularly in times of illness and distresses that life can bring.
Our Church Objectives
* To maintain public worship
* To provide opportunity for Christian Education
* To encourage Christian witnessing
* To serve those in need
* To develop Christian character
* To share in the extension of God's Kingdom
Our Invitation
May the peace of God's promises and love, revealed in His son Jesus Christ, be a blessing to you by your joining us for Sunday worship. You are welcomed to come and find God!